Twas the Day Before School

Happy Sunday!

I went into school today to put the finishing touches on my classroom. As I made my final preparations and left my room, I was thinking about this school year. I want you all to know that I am so excited to have your children this year, and I look forward to partnering with you as we strive to make this year the best yet. I pray I am able to meet your child's needs this year and help them reach new heights. Together, we can accomplish a great deal, and I'm excited to see where we all are at the end of this year.

As you spend your final summer moments with your child(ren), I leave with you with this poem. Enjoy.

Mr. Wissner

Twas the Night Before School Started

Twas the night before school started
when all through the town
the parents were cheering
it was a riotous sound.

By eight the kids were washed
and tucked into bed
when memories of homework
filled them with dread.

New pencils, new folders, new notebooks too,
new teachers, new friends, the anxiety grew.
The parents just giggled when they heard of this fright
and shouted upstairs-GO TO BED-IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT!
Author Unknown


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